Hello !!!


It has been a while since I have blogged.  Thank you for all of the continued support.  Even though I have not done anything my blog has still been getting activity with people from all over the world finding me.  This has really helped me to understand how small the world has become with technology.

The last 2 1/2 years has been crazier than I could have imagined.  Normally, I have dealing with everyone else and their health issues…..but from 2015 to 2017 it has been about my health.  I have always struggled with endometriosis.  Actually it was endometriosis that made me take this path in natural health.


My first surgery was at the age of 17.  Since, then I have had numerous surgeries in order to manage my pain levels.  In 2015, during a regular check-up they found a big Fibroid      (at least that is what they thought it was).  With Endo you get a lot of pain all the time so when my back started to really hurt I just assumed it was the Endo affecting that area.  Little did I know that it was something totally different.  I had a surgery to remove it, however, when they when in it was bigger than they thought it was.  Due to the size they could not remove it. But they were able to test it.  The test results came back negative for cancer (Yes!!)   It also indicated that it was not a normal fibroid.  I decided to take my health journey up another notch.  I stopped eating any meat except seafood.  I included DIM, Shatavari, and Black Seed oil.    These changes will help the body to metabolism the synthetic estrogen that is in excess in the body.   However, in 2016 the pain continued to get worse and I started to bleed non-stop for over 3 months.  I decided that it was time for them to do the surgery that was needed.  So, I got a partial Hysterectomy.   Once they actually took the uterus out they found  that I also suffered from Adenomyosis. 

My life journey has been very very interesting.  Over the years, I have come to the realization that my life is not the norm.   However, I would not change any of it.  Because of the storms in my life it has made me who I am today.  I truly believe that GOD carried me thru those storms so that I could understand the pain and obstacles that others face in their life.  

Endometriosis is no joke!!!!  No one can actually understand the pain and limits that it puts on your life.  I was able to manage it until the Tumor decided to join the scar tissues.  Below are the items that I did to manage it:

  • No Caffeine!!!! 
  • No Dairy
  • No White flour, white rice
  • No nightshade vegetables….white potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers….

Supplements that I take:

  • Pau D’ Arco tea
  • Vit E  start with 400 IU then increase to 1000 IU slowly
  • KM.. herbal supplement
  • Evening Primrose Oil 1300 mg daily
  • Full body detox (Cleaner) every 3 months
  • Tumeric
  • Castor oil packs over abdomen
  • Multi Greens drink daily..Macro Greens
  • Acai

There are more supplements that I used as needed.  But the above list was the basic that I stayed focus on.  The “KM” was the first one I started with.  That product actually decreased my cycle from 2 weeks of heavy bleeding to the norm 3 to 5 days.  It also helped to reduce the clots.  The Gallbladder & Liver cleanse is also makes a big difference with Endo.  If you are going to exercise do not do anything that will cause you more pain.  I found that Yoga is the best form of exercise for me.  It  actually  helps break up some of the scar tissues.  Due to the scar tissues when I did any type of exercise that was a lot of movement I would get sharp pains.  

Know that you are not alone with this disease






2 thoughts on “

  1. Just think of how many women you just touched with your testimony of illness and the power of God. I too believe that there will be trials and tribulations they we must go through to become stronger in ourselves, faith and despite all God’s love for us. Continue the good fight , you are a help and support for so many. Love you Johnette

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